2024 Meetings

Meetings are held at Hansen's Honey Farm at 6pm

January 18th - Re-waxing frames. When and how to re-wax bee frames.


February 15th- Lip balm making. Demonstration on how to make beeswax lip balms.


March 21st-  Autopsy of dead bee hives and review of package installation. Taking a look at member’s hives that have died during the winter and finding the cause.


April 18th- Note keeping. What to be looking for and recording each time you check your hive.


May 16th- Herbal honey and beeswax lotions and balms presented by Samantha Martinez.


June 20th- Ant and wasp control. Ways to control ants and wasps in and around your beehives.


July 18th- Member picnic


August 15th- Selling honey. Wisconsin’s requirements for selling honey, local prices of honey, and where to sell honey.


September 19th- Winterizing. How members prepare their hives for winter.


October 17th- Honey tasting and moisture testing. Members bring in their honey to share the different flavors and get their honey tested for moisture content.


November & December- no meetings